Face it, it's the truth!
That is right! In two days, I will be a high school graduate. I know that no one ever reads these blogs, but here is a quick run through of all the events that are going to be happening within the next month or so.
First of all, you will see me in one of these.

Graduation is supposed to end around 8 or so, so after that, I will be taking pictures with friends and family.

After the pictures are taken, I will be heading with a bunch of students to the Monte Carlo Room. The Monte Carlo Room is a big banquet hall typa thing where they had our senior banquet. There, we will have what we call "Project Graduation." There, we have a bunch of different casino typa games that we can play with fake money that they give us. One game is roulette.

After that, we are coming back to the high school where we play volleyball and games like that. The night will conclude at about 5:30 the next morning.
Graduation parties are coming up like crazy. I am going to a lot. I got invited to 11, but I am not going to all of them. The main ones I am going to are on the 17th, 11th, 10th, and 24th of June. Mine is on the first of July and my friend Jessica's is on the 15th of July, which is also my 18th birthday.
That is all I have time to write. My friend Katrina is coming over, and we are going out with Jamie. I don't know what we are doing yet, but we are doing something.
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