Ya know what?

I have officially declared that I don't care anymore. I know that what I say in here is going to sound really bad, but I don't care about my mom not getting sleep and I don't care what my nephew does. Today, my nephew threw one of his oh so infamous tantrums. He does that so well. All this kid ever does is cry and scream. Most of the time he will also fight with you. He likes to punch and kick. In the middle of all of this chaos, I did manage to snap a cute picture.
That is my chapstick in his hands. He did manage to crush it. It is a little deformed at the moment, but it is useable. Is that even a word? I know you might be thinking that his hair is so gross, and ya know what? It really is, but it isn't sweat. His new thing now is spitting out his juice and rubbing it all over his face. That is what he did today and that is why his hair is so gross. It smells like apple, strawberry, kiwi juice. Pretty gross if you ask me. He is a slob. It is so surprising how someone's day can just change in like 20 minutes. Strange how that happens. I guess that is enough of my complaining. I just hope that things get better.
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