Running on Stress and Emotions
Today is an extremely crazy day. It started out like a day. What else would it start out as? What else could it start as? I went to my first hour class. Of course, it is study hall so I spent the whole hour working on my Pre-Calculus homework. Then, second hour I had Pre-Calculus. That was a total bore. AP Spanish is third hour. We played jeopardy to review for a test that we have on Friday, and our team lost. It is okay though because the winning team only gets two extra points on the test. Not a big deal considering I have been on the winning team the last two or three times. I guess it was a good review though. AP Psychology came fourth. Not too good. I don't really like that class and I am not learning anything. I am getting a D in that class. Not the best. Right before lunch comes Government. That class actually surprised me. I am doing halfway decent in that class, which is a total surprise. We have like two projects due the last week of school in that class, so I should really get working. Lunch was good except for the fact that I went up in the line to get these mozzarella pizza sticks, and they were out, so I had chop suey. Not the greatest. School lunch isn't very good, but I have it with all of my friends. My last real class of the day is sixth hour which is philosophy. I don't like that class. I have a pretty big paper due on June 2nd in that class, so I guess I should get working on that too. Today in Teacher's Aide, the kids were driving me up the wall. Actually that isn't true. The kids weren't too bad today. Luis always drives me nuts, but because he got in trouble today, he was good. He even wrote me a letter of apology, although he spelled my name "Amen" and not "Amy." I didn't care though. He is a handful, but he definitely is teaching me a lot about patience.
Well, I am looking forward to graduation. One thing that I am sad about is that I am going to miss my friends from church. I know that some aren't going to be gone all that long, but Angelina and Rodger are leaving us. I will definitely miss all of my dear friends.

In the first picture, I am going to miss Stephanie. I was so happy when she sat by me last Sunday at church. I don't get to see her very often. In the second picture, I will miss all of the girls, besides me of course. I will miss Sarah. Her parents moved to Sheboygan after going to our church for so long, and now Sarah will be leaving us for the summer. I am hoping she comes back to East Delavan next year. Angelina is graduating. She is going back to Cali, so I won't get to see her after this year. It is really sad to think about it. I will also miss Jessica (bottom) because she is moving to Texas after graduation. She was thinking about going to Maranatha, but she is going with her family to Texas and she is going to college there.
Well Christian is pretty much driving me nuts right now. All he does is scream, cry, bite, and hit. We don't know what to do with him anymore. He is only two. I love him so much, but he is really irritating me. He has left marks from biting. It is terrible. Here are some pictures of him.

He is such a cutie, and although he may look all sweet and innocent, he isn't. Trust me. Anyways, that is just one day in the life of me.
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