The Happenings of Amy

Just a bunch of random nonsense.

Friday, June 23, 2006

You mean to tell me . . .

22 days. Can you believe that? 22 days. Now I can just see you sitting there looking like this, complete confused as to what I may be talking about. Well, if you know me or anything about me, you should know that my favorite day of the year is July 15, which is in 22 days. Why is that my favorite day, you ask? Well, let me tell you this little story. It is quite interesting.

18, almost 19 years ago, this beautiful lady became pregnant. When she told the father of the child that she was pregnant a month into the pregnancy, he left her. About six and a half months later, she gave birth to a five pound beautiful baby girl, with a great and handsome man by her side. Now although this man wasn't the father of the baby girl, he was the only one there for her throughout her entire life.

Great story, I know. That is basically the story of my life. So needless to say, from that great literary illustration, you should all know why July 15 is my favorite day of the year. July 15 is the day in which I will finally be an adult. I could go out and get a tattoo, buy some cigarettes, and legally move out. Of course, if you know me, you would know that I would never do any of those, except move out, but not right away. I plan to finish my college education before that happens.

On a more serious note, my graduation party is next Saturday. I was a little upset today. My mom and brother were talking about what they can do with my naked baby pictures. I don't like those pictures. I never have, and I told my mom that if she displays those pictures in any way, I will leave my own party. I do not want others to see those pictures. I don't really want to be embarrassed at my own party. My mom also told me that I can't hang out with my friends all night. She said that I have to socialize. I am sorry, but I am not going to be talking to her friends. I don't even know any of them. She can talk to her friends, my dad can talk to his friends, and I can talk to my friends and family. I think that is only fair, don't you agree? Sure I'll go say thanks for coming or something small like that, but I am not going to sit there and put on a whole conversation with someone that I don't even know.

Ok, so every day, I sit at the couch at around noon waiting for the mail to come because I like getting the mail. Well, today, I just so happened to be online. I didn't get the mail when it came, but the mail man walked up to our door and brought me a pretty pink package. I opened it up and there was a card in there and a little graduation teddy bear. It was so cute. It was from my dear friend Michael. He is so sweet. I got it and it just brought a smile to my face.

Last night, I was looking through all my pictures of me as a kid, and I saw some that weren't so old, and it just made me think of all the people I miss, and there are a lot of them. I came across one of Stephanie Davis, Jessica Hollenbeck, and I at Lake Geneva. That was a very memorable day. Steph you know what I am talking about. That day, I encountered the marvelous world of empty pockets. Haha, you are probably wondering what I am talking about. Well, that day, I had my first ever Starbucks drink. Ever since then, I have been addicted, and now my pockets are empty from buying so much from that place. I can't help it though. It is really good. Strawberries and Créme Frappuccinos are so good, and so are Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccinos. Those are purely amazing. I like the Strawberry ones better. If any of you are against going broke, don't ever step into a Starbucks, and if you are like me and you have a problem, I advise you to go and get help.


At 2:30 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Oh Steph that was so fun. We definitely will have to do that. I am staying in the dorms:D


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