Strawberry Soda

is what I am currently drinking, not that you care or anything. Well, today our AP Spanish class went on a field trip to Irving's house for a Cinco de Mayo fiesta. It was a lot of fun. We had good mexican food. We had tamales, frijoles, arroz, mole, nachos, jugo de sandia, y orchata. It was food and the party was sweet. We got to break a piƱata. How fun is that? I got plenty of candy that is for sure. It was just a blast.
It took me a long time to figure out if I wanted to even go, because the Maranatha graduation was today and I wanted to go see my dear friend Angelina graduate.

I went to church on Wednesday, and much to my surprise, the college students were there. They never show up on Wednesdays. Nina's parents are in town this week, so they came too and Steph came with them. I was happy to talk to them. We had fun doing cartwheels and flips on the bars and climbing the bars that hold up the swing. It was tons of fun. I was supposed to do lesson plans then but guess what didn't happen? I wasn't exactly sure what I should do for these lesson plans. I ended up figuring it out.
Tomorrow I am hoping is going to be really fun. I think I am going roller skating. I haven't been roller skating. We also might go to my favorite restaurant of all time: Asia Buffet. I love that restaurant. I am looking forward to the skating though. Well, I think I am going to prepare for my lesson on Monday tonight. I gotta get it done.
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