The Happenings of Amy

Just a bunch of random nonsense.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Reality? What is it? I guess I have asked myself that question a lot. I have always been dependent on people when I need things. People have always done stuff for me, but now I realize, that I am on my own. I can't depend on my parents anymore. I am 18. I just got a job . . . finally, after what seems like forever. I have to do my own taxes, set up my own doctors appointments and everything else like that. Now for those of you who know me, setting up appointments is going to be very hard for me to do. The only thing I don't have to do is pay rent and buy my own food and stuff. I still live with my parents. That won't change. I started my job yesterday. It is a pain, but we made it fun. I work at Geneva National as a banquet server. Last night, it was a wedding reception. I didn't break, drop, or spill anything. I had a few people tell me I did a good job. I was very happy when I left, but I woke up very sore today. Today was an amazing day. I went up to Madison with Jamie and we hung out with Katrina. We went shopping and minigolfing. It was just so much fun. I had starbucks twice today. Purely amazing I should say. It was really good. I guess I really should get to bed. I have to get sleep to make sure I am up for church. Good night everyone who doesn't read this.


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