It's been a while.
Here's my update.
I worked six days in the last two weeks.
Been working hard.
Making money.
Need more.
Struggling to pay my cell phone bill.
Overage charges are gonna kill me.
Life is life.
Kinda boring lately.
Not watchin as much TV as I used to.
Need to eat.
Kinda hungry.
Sleeping way too much.
Overly exhausted.
Going to Chicago in ten days.
Thanksgiving is coming up.
I have WAY too much to be thankful for.
Vikings are losing to the Packers.
I don't want to see the outcome.
Football this year is not good.
I missed church this morning.
I was working till about two this morning.
Then I was sick.
I have allergies.
and I can't breathe at night.
It took me two hours to get to sleep.
Benadryl is my new best friend.
Those are just a few things going on in the life of Amy.
I'll post a picture since I haven't in a while.

You bet that is me and Barney.
Janesville mall.
November 8th.
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