My life is in ruins
I previously posted a grand ol blog about how my day was going so well and I could wait for church that night? When was that again? Oh yeah it was yesterday. Yeah, well I was wrong. Visitation was pretty good. Instead of going to the church and coming back to Elkhorn to go back to church to come back to Elkhorn, we stayed in Elkhorn and handed out brochures for the crusade around the Mathes' neighborhood. Once we were done, we went to church and I played with the kids in the nursery until everyone got back and then we ate. There was some purty good food. After we were done eating, the advisory board had a meeting, that took a lot longer than I had expected and I didn't end up getting home until ten . I got so yelled at when I got home and I even apologized when I got home for being late, but my dad doesn't care. Now I am grounded and I don't even know if I can go to the tent crusade. I can't go to church I know that much. It is pretty rediculous. I have had enough of all the grounding for no reason. I don't drive so I can't really control what time I get home ever. It really irritates me.
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